Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Students Studying Electrical Energy in Science

This past Monday, students started to learn about electricity in science class. Students will work through several learning activities, projects, and assignments to help them learn about electrical energy usage.

Starting Thursday, 1/7/16,  students will be coming home asking for help from their parents and guardians as they start a project called Action Plan. As adults paying the bills, we know the impact of wasted electricity on the budget. This project aims to help students understand electric utilities and how one simple change in behavior could lower the power bill!

One of the most important parts of the project is to read and collect data from the electric meter. Students are to check their meters nightly to collect data as a baseline for usage as well as monitor changes after implementing a plan to conserve electricity. There are two helpful pages on the website to assist families with reading the electric meter:
Students have been taught in class how to read the electric meters as well as conduct the calculations to determine the amount of energy used and the cost associated with using the electricity.

The outline of tasks for the project can be found on the science website.

Some other important resources from the electricity unit:

Timeline (updated daily with important class information) 

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