Thursday, May 29, 2014

Bridge Exposition and Test Day!

8th grade students tested their bridges today during the Bridge Exposition, part of the Bridges to STEM Careers project. Twenty-nine bridges were tested by adding weight to the span until it collapsed. The winner, yet to be determined, is the one that holds the most weight and costs the least! In math and science class, students will be creating graphs, analyzing ratios of bridge cost to live load weight, and attempting to conclude which bridge was the winner of the competition. A special thanks to our guest experts, bridge engineers and architects from the Pittsburgh Region. Representatives from HDR, Inc. and Penn Dot District 11 used their insight and expertise to help enrich this learning activity. Bridge designs can be seen on the classroom website.

Links: Bridge Gallery     Bridge data analysis assignment
Penn Dot Engineer Cassie Lloyd during the bridge exposition and test day.
Testing the bridges at the exposition.